6.2 Draft guideline for Health Data User on good application practice for data access and data requests
De publieke consultatie voor de eerste ronde van TEHDAS2 richtlijnen en specificaties is geopend. Vanuit Nederland gaan we deze feedback gezamenlijk geven. Voor correcte bundeling volgen de vragen in het Engels. De corresponderende richtlijn staat op de volgende link*. Alvast dank voor je bijdrage.
Type of responder
Academic or research organisation
Interest group
Individual citizen
Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
Patient representative
Public organisation
Private organisation
Data Management/processing
Education and academia
Government / public administration
Health care administration
Health care provider
Information & Media
Information technology
Legal and compliance
Manufacturer of medical devices
Patient advocacy
Pharmaceutical industry
Research and development
Organisation size
Micro (1–9 employees)
Small to medium enterprise (10–249 employees)
Large enterprise (250+ employees)
Not applicable / Individual citizen
Professional role / function
First Name
Last Name
From your perspective, how ready is the document to meet the expected needs?
Early draft
Advanced draft
Needs finalisation only
What is level of quality of the document?
Is the document clear and easy to understand? [Rate 1 (not clear nor easy to understand) – 4 (very clear and easy to understand)]
How well does the document address the key issues and challenges related to its subject matter? [Rate 1 (not well) – 4 (very well)]
How feasible and implementable do you find the recommendations presented in the document? [Rate 1 (not feasible and implementable at all) – 4 (very feasible and implementable)]
Generic feedback. Do you have any suggestions for improving the document? Are there any additional topics or areas that should be covered? Max. 750 characters.
Do you have previous experience applying for data?
Yes, at a nation level
Yes, at an international level
Yes, at both a national and international level
What perspective describes best your affiliation?
Perspective of a data user
Perspective of a data holder
Perspective of a HDAB
None of the above
Before reading the deliverable, how would you have rated your ability to fill out the data access / data request application correctly? Please score on a scale from 1 to 4(1 being not able at all and 4very well able).
Now, after reading the deliverable, how would you rate your ability to fill out the data access / data request application correctly? Please score on a scale from 1 to 4(1 being not able at all and 4very well able).
Is chapter 3 clear and easy to understand? Please rate from 1 (not clear nor easy to understand) to 4 (very clear and easy to understand).
If there are specific topics missing in chapter 3, please elaborate on these below [Please provide feedback, max. 750 characters].
If there are parts of chapter 3 that are superfluous, please elaborate on these below [Please provide feedback, max. 750 characters].
Is chapter 4 clear and easy to understand? Please rate from 1 (not clear nor easy to understand) to 4 (very clear and easy to understand)
If there are specific topics missing in chapter 4, please elaborate on these below [Please provide feedback, max. 750 characters].
If there are parts of chapter 4 that are superfluous, please elaborate on these below [Please provide feedback, max. 750 characters].
Is chapter 5 clear and easy to understand? Please rate from 1 (not clear nor easy to understand) to 4 (very clear and easy to understand).
If there are specific topics missing in chapter 5, please elaborate on these below [Please provide feedback, max. 750 characters].
If there are parts of chapter 5 that are superfluous, please elaborate on these below [Please provide feedback, max. 750 characters].
Is chapter 6 clear and easy to understand? Please rate from 1 (not clear nor easy to understand) to 4 (very clear and easy to understand).
If there are specific topics missing in chapter 6, please elaborate on these below [Please provide feedback, max. 750 characters].
If there are parts of chapter 6 that are superfluous, please elaborate on these below [Please provide feedback, max. 750 characters].
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