5.3 Draft technical specification on the national metadata catalogue
De publieke consultatie voor de eerste ronde van TEHDAS2 richtlijnen en specificaties is geopend. Vanuit Nederland gaan we deze feedback gezamenlijk geven. Voor correcte bundeling volgen de vragen in het Engels. De corresponderende richtlijn staat op de volgende link*. Alvast dank voor je bijdrage.
Type of responder
Academic or research organisation
Interest group
Individual citizen
Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
Patient representative
Public organisation
Private organisation
Data Management/processing
Education and academia
Government / public administration
Health care administration
Health care provider
Information & Media
Information technology
Legal and compliance
Manufacturer of medical devices
Patient advocacy
Pharmaceutical industry
Research and development
Organisation size
Micro (1–9 employees)
Small to medium enterprise (10–249 employees)
Large enterprise (250+ employees)
Not applicable / Individual citizen
Professional role / function
First Name
Last Name
From your perspective, how ready is the document to meet the expected needs?
Early draft
Advanced draft
Needs finalisation only
What is the level of quality of the document? [Rate 1 (not well) – 4 (very well)]
Is the document easy to understand? [Rate 1 (not well) – 4 (very well)]
How well does the document address the key issues and challenges related to its subject matter? [Rate 1 (not well) – 4 (very well)]
How feasible and implementable do you find the guidelines or technical specifications presented in the document? [Rate 1 (not well) – 4 (very well)]
Generic feedback. Do you have any suggestions for improving the document? Are there any additional topics or areas that should be covered?
Do you expect the technical specification for national dataset catalogue to affect you or your work?
Don't know
Do you find it clear which actors will be affected by the technical specification? If not, please explain your answer.
Are the responsibilities of HDAB and Data Holders appropriately and clearly described? If not, please explain your answer.
What are your thoughts on the terminology used in the document? Is it clear and appropriate for the context? Please explain your answer.
Are the purposes and goals provided in section 3 clearly described? If not, please explain your answer.
From your perspective, how do you perceive the scope of the specification outlined in section 4?*
Too narrow
Too wide
Do you think the methods described in Annex 5 are appropriate for achieving the intended objectives? If not, please explain your answer.
Are the user stories listed in section 5 appropriate and clearly described? Are there any user stories you believe are missing? Please explain your answer.
Do you think the requirements listed in section 6 are appropriate and adequately categorised (e.g., mandatory, recommended, optional)? Are there any requirements you believe are missing? Please explain your answer.
The document does not include specifications on non-functional requirements in section 6. Do you think non-functional requirement would be needed? If yes, please explain your answer.
Are the capabilities outlined in section 7 adequate for the intended purpose? Are there any capabilities you believe are missing? Please explain your answer.
What is missing from the specification for Member States to develop a national metadata catalogue? Please explain.
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